By: Danielle Powell
One of the enhancements in Version 22 of CAMAvision involved multi-parcel sales, as the simple checkbox to indicate a multi-parcel sale converted to a drop-down menu. The options in this menu include: No, Primary, and Child. This allows more versatility so that all parcels involved in a multi-parcel sale indicate their specific role.
Primary Parcels:
Primary should only be set on one parcel per sale. Usually, this is the parcel with the most structures or highest value. Previously, the indicator box would have gotten a checkmark to enable the parcel list area of the Sales tab, where all other parcels involved are entered and shown.
- The sale amount (VCS Value) should be a summed total of ALL parcels involved in the multi-parcel sale.
- This can be done by clicking the black down-arrow next to the VCS Value field to select “Copy Multi-Parcel Total.”
Note: This option only enables once PINs are added to the parcel list, and all parcels included should be in the list beforehand to ensure the total amount is accurate.
- This can be done by clicking the black down-arrow next to the VCS Value field to select “Copy Multi-Parcel Total.”
- NUTC (Non-Usable Transaction Code) should be designated by the Transaction, Deed, or Declaration of Value. If this is considered a “good” sale, it may need to use a “normal” NUTC to indicate that.
- Set the drop-down menu to the “Primary” selection.
- Add ALL parcels included in the sale to the list at the bottom of the Sales tab.
- Certain states (e.g., ones that have a specific sales export) may have additional requirements, so please be sure to enter ALL necessary sale information on the Primary parcel.
Child Parcels:
Child parcels will be all other parcels included in the sale. They are similar to the primary sale with a couple specific differences to exclude those sales from analyses and exports, ensuring the sale only gets considered once in those processes.
- Enter the sale with the exact same information as the Primary parcel with the following exceptions on ALL child parcels:
- The Child parcel should get a NUTC (Non Usable Transaction Code) designated as “Sale of More than one Property” or similar.
- Set the drop-down menu to the “Child” selection.
- The Multi-Parcel PIN list will include the Primary parcel and exclude the currently loaded Child parcel.