It doesn’t happen often, but you will eventually need a new server. Here is what you can expect and what things you can do on your end to make this process go as smoothly as possible.

1. Notify Vanguard’s Hardware Support as early as possible!
2. Review our minimum specifications at
3. Have your IT representative message John Fokken by email or by phone at (319) 365-8625.

The migration process includes moving the data, reinstallation of applications and services and setting up workstations. While the average migration can take up to four hours, it depends on many factors including network speed, number of clients, modules and scheduled tasks requiring configuration and add-on programs like ODBC drivers.


We encourage you to discuss any and all backup options with your IT representative. Make sure to have an offsite backup and find out who is responsible for restoring the data should you ever need to.


Vanguard charges for time during the migration process so please check your training time balance. All times can be deducted from your balance instead of getting a traditional bill. With the entire process being completed over the internet, costs will naturally be kept down to a minimum.

You can check on your training time balance through CAMAvision and clicking on the VCS Net News link. Need more time? Contact your Vanguard field representative today!