By: Mike Weeks

Did you know that you can view parcel count information with 2 clicks of the mouse?

You may have never noticed the handy Utility located under the Tools button within CAMAvision®. This tool gives you a snap shot of your data, Parcel Counts Info and Statistics of many areas of the system.

Parcel Counts Info in CAMAvisionYou will see the number of parcels for many different parts of CAMAvision®. This can be used as an audit tool to find discrepancies in your data or to verify the info being stored in your system. For example, (for Iowa Clients) if you know you have 600 parcels with exemptions in your Tax Administration System, you could use this tool to verify you have exemptions on 600 parcels in CAMAvision® as well. If your IT staff is asking about the size of your CAMA database you can use this utility to explain that you have 49,406 photos in your system which may take up a sizable amount of server space. Overall, it’s just good information to have at your figure tips.

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