CAMAvision has the power and features to help you accomplish your job whether your jurisdiction has 500 or 500,000 parcels to manage. Yet, keeping track of all these features can be hard at times.

Below are some frequently asked questions we field the most about CAMAvision.

1. Does a “scan to” option exist allowing you to store scanned documents?

That ability already exists with the Document Management and Storage ability included with the Pro Version report writer module and available via PhotoVision.

2. The PDF screen displays in numerical order. Can I order them alphabetical?

Yes. You can set this as a USER preference OR when on the parcel search screen, select PDF and then click on the PDF Name header and they will sort alphabetically.

3. What is the “count” field for on the building extra screen?

Enter the # of items identical to the extra entered.

4. When I run a query, I want the school/tax district name to display and not the code.

Add the Pricing Tax_District0 Table. Link the Tax District_code 0 in the General Table to the Tax District0Code field in the Pricing Tax_District0 Table. Drop down the Tax0Description field into the query grid.

5. When doing a query on yard items, why is there no lookup of type?

Yard extras do not have occupancy and pricing codes like Res/Com/Ag buildings. A lookup can be used on the Description field from the Yard Extra table, however some yard types use hand-entered descriptions, which could have many different descriptions to choose from. If looking for specific yard items, the Table Name (e.g. “YSHED”) is often the best way to view everything priced as that type.

Stay tuned for more helpful CAMAvision tips!

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